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This post is written to inform of the backup policies that Pinion Media / MHz Web Hosting adopts to ensure the most cost effective, performance driven hosting solution available. Additionally, you will find information that we hope will spark you to look deeper than simply the price when research hosting providers. We hope you will ask questions outlined by keywords in this post.

High Availability, Fail-over, load-balanced hosting ensures the best performance with no down-time – none.
This level of mission critical hosting also comes with a premium price.

If you are shopping around and planning to pay $9 – $29 per month for shared hosting, $69-120 per month for shared dedicated host, or even  $240 – $400+ per month for a dedicated server – you are most certainly only covered under the standard host recovery policy – not mission critical hosting*.

The policies from most host providers typically range from:

  • Backup OS base only (no site or account files) – You would be responsible to recover all your own site files and rebuild your email accounts once the server was back online;
  • Backups done daily, monthly or weekly. – Upon failure, the OS is recovered, and accounts will be recovered to the state of most recent backup.

* Make sure that you check with your host provider to ensure you understand their recovery policy before you jump on their $9/mon special

At MHz Web Hosting clients that require mission critical hosting are accommodated for each special instance that their application requires.
However, unless we are aware, all other standard hosting plans that MHz offers provide the best performance and up-time available within the confines of solo dedicated or shared dedicated hosting.

MHz Backup Policy:
MHz Hosting performs backups of all account and database files twice a day, and reserves a dedicated server specifically to account for any fail-over requirement.
In the event that there is an outage on any one of our machines we spin back the most recent 12 hour backup attached the required IP addresses, rekey any SSL Certs, and send out notices to all effected. In a worst case scenario, this policy may take in excess of 2-3 hours of physical recovery time. And, in some cases may result in internet re-propagation of DNS.

If an email or site application outage of an 1 hour – or even 10 minutes, make you sweat, you should be looking at a much more robust hosting solution. So, ask the questions, but we guarantee that any host priced at $9/month is going to have performance issues and most certainly doesn’t have your back in any way in a failure.

Contact Pinion Media / MHz Web Hosting to discuss Fail-over mission critical hosting solutions today.
(602) 690-8036